Education for Teachers

English Learner Educator Toolkit. Developed by Ohio’s assessment partner, English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century (ELPA21), a new standards-based toolkit is available to educators of English learners. The toolkit offers infographics, tip sheets, student profile templates and performance measure tasks to aid effective instruction. Use it with resources such as the English Language Proficiency (ELP) Standards, ELP Instructional Guide, and self-paced ELP standards professional learning modulesComplete this form to receive a link and password to access the ELPA21 resource.

Tuesdays with Ohio TESOL. The webinars are recorded live and address critical topics related to English learners in school. On October 5, Donna Villareal and Valerie Kunze will discuss the requirements for English learner programs. Find out more about how to access previous and future webinars. Register here.